How To Fix Uneven Heating In Your Home

HVAC can be a pretty complicated field since keeping your house at the right temperature through heating and air conditioning can be a very delicate balancing act. Small changes in the system can result in very noticeable swings in comfort, so it's a good idea to understand how the system works and why you might be dealing with specific problems. Here are some introductory questions to one such problem: uneven heat distribution in your home.

Is your home being heated unevenly?

Firstly, you are going to need to actually verify that your home is unevenly heated. In some cases, it might seem like one room is colder than another, but they might really be the exact same temperature. Psychology can play a big role in this, since you might expect your garage and bedroom to be very different temperatures.

For a similar example, consider coffee and soda at room temperature. In such conditions, your coffee may seem much colder than the soda because of your expectations, but they are really the exact same when it comes to how hot they are.

To actually check this, you want to measure the temperature in each room with a thermometer if possible. However, temperature alone doesn't tell the whole story, so you will also need to consider whether certain rooms are draftier than others.

What can cause uneven heating distribution?

The distribution of heat in your home depends on quite a few factors, but the two biggest are going to be your ventilation system and the flow of heat between individual rooms and the exterior of your home.

Ventilation – Air ducts are used to move heat around your home, so if there is some sort of blockage or damage in your air ducts, then that could prevent heat from getting to its intended destinations. This can result in certain rooms not getting any heat, which can be particularly problematic if the affected room is somewhere that you spend a lot of time, such as a bedroom or living room.

Heat Flow – The flow of heat in and out of each room is dependent upon the insulation of that room. If you have some big windows that are open and face the sunrise, then you can expect that room to be a lot warmer than the rest of your home at certain hours of the day. However, other types of heat flow are a lot harder to pin down, including small cracks that can allow drafts into your home. In some cases, the arrangement of rooms and furniture in your home can influence the path of air flow, which can lead to some rooms feeling stuffy and others feeling quite drafty,
