Problems With Your Heater? 3 Tips To Ensure Maximum Efficiency Next Winter
Now that spring is here and you're using your heater less often, it's time to get ready for next winter. This is particularly true where your heater is concerned. Spring is the perfect time to assess your heater. Here are a few tips you can use that will help you avoid issues with your heater next winter.
Schedule a Home Energy Audit
If your home isn't staying as warm as it should, the problem might not be your heater. There are a number of reasons why your heater might not be able to keep up with your demand for warm air. If your heater is working overtime and still not keeping you as warm as you'd like, schedule a home energy audit. An energy audit will locate the areas that are causing the problems. Some of the causes may include leaks around the doors and windows, gaps in your ductwork, or insufficient insulation in your attic and walls. Once you have the completed audit report, you can get to work making your home more energy-efficient, which will help your heater keep you warm.
Keep Your Home Dust-Free
If you live in a particularly dusty region of the United States, your home may be dustier than it should be, which can pose a serious problem for your heater. Too much dust in your home can actually interfere with your heaters ability to function properly. That's because all the dust in your home flows through the filter and the ducts before collecting on your heater. Unfortunately, the dust doesn't just settle on the outside of your heater. Dust also builds up on the inside of the unit, where it can lead to malfunctions, and even furnace fires. To help alleviate the problem, reduce the dust levels in your home. One way to do that is to install a portable air purifier. Air purifiers remove the particulate matter that can undermine your heater.
Ensure Timely Repairs
If you want to extend the life of your heater, one of the most important things you can do is ensure timely repairs. Postponing repairs can turn a minor problem into a major issue, requiring more time and money to repair. Not only that, but delaying those repairs can actually shorten the life span of your heater. For maximum efficiency, have problems repaired in a timely manner, and insist on an annual tune-up for your heater. For more information, reach out to a heating repair service in your area.