Top Considerations For Choosing The Correct Residential AC System

The correct installation of an air conditioning system is crucial to increase your home's indoor comfort during the hot summer months. While each air conditioning unit is unique to its manufacturer, the installation process is the same, overall. 

If you're planning to install a new AC system in your home, this guide will highlight the crucial steps involved in choosing the right system for you and your home.

Choosing the Right Type of AC System

Many different types of AC systems are available to suit the needs of different homeowners. The main varieties include:

  • Central AC systems
  • Split-system units
  • Window air conditioning units
  • Portable units
  • Through-the-wall air conditioning units

Each type of AC system has unique features that lend themselves to use in certain homes. For example, central air conditioners are great for cooling large homes with HVAC ductwork already installed. Homeowners that are looking to cool their entire house but don't want to incur the cost of HVAC ductwork installation can opt for split-system air conditioners, which don't rely on a series of air ducts to supply conditioned air throughout the home.

Sizing Up the AC System

Different AC systems have different cooling capacities. The particular AC model you choose should be able to adequately cool your space in an efficient manner. A unit that's too big for your home will waste money due to the extra cooling capacity you won't utilize.

An undersized unit, on the other hand, will struggle to match your home's cooling demand. The strain on its performance will result in operational inefficiencies and frequent breakdowns, drastically adding to the cost of AC ownership.

Choosing an Efficient Model

Air conditioners are one of the biggest users of electricity at home. The good news is that newer versions of AC equipment are made to use less and less electricity to deliver the same performance as older models. 

When shopping for a new air conditioner for your home, you should check the energy rating included in its packaging. This label should give you an idea of how efficient an AC product is.

While efficient products tend to cost more upfront, they can lead to substantial energy savings in the long run, thus justifying their higher price tags. Ultimately, it may make financial sense to spend more initially and save more over the long term.

If you need help choosing the best AC system for your home, an AC installation service can provide pointers and advice.
